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LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Only 07 Limited Editions per size + 2 Artist Proofs. All limited edition prints are printed on archival paper and are signed and numbered by the artist.
Treelogia é um ensaio amplo e sólido de uma vida dedicada ao diálogo com a natureza e, mais intimamente, com as árvores. A busca do autor sensibiliza o público para a importância da relação entre o homem e a natureza – sua obra exalta essa ligação por meio da beleza estética, da luz trabalhada e das formas espetaculares de diferentes espécimes de árvores fotografadas nos 6 continentes.
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Todos os direitos reservados. 2022. Cristiano Xavier.
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